Millie- Sports junkie, PR obsessed fashion lover! 

Kamille “Millie” Watson (Photo by Joe Mac Creative)

Kamille “Millie” Watson (Photo by Joe Mac Creative)

The Hot Kommodity, noun,

someone or something that is highly valued or in much demand

In 2018, I decided to fuse my love for both the fashion and sport industry into a business that provides helpful insight on avoiding fashion clichés of women who work in sports. Hosting the best events in town and connecting companies with expert talent to boost brand awareness is the mission of The Hot Kommodity.

With a broad background in event management, networking, social media, and event planning. We are your business’ resource for creating social conversations about your brand, and hosting publicized high-profile events. The Hot Kommodity currently focuses on events and influencers in sport, food and fashion industry in Philadelphia, PA. 

~Kamille “Millie” Watson


Bachelor of Arts in Communication/PR from North Carolina State University

Master of Science in Sport Management/Business from Drexel University